Nr |
Picture |
Title |
Video_ID |
Status |
Remark |
001 |
Infant Immunity Part I: Pregnancy, with Dr. Suzanne Humphries |
ElI5q0BWKv0 |
002 |
Infant Immunity Part II: Aluminum, vaccines, and fetal brain development, with Dr. Suzanne Humphries |
cdSCY7W-BUo |
003 |
Infant Immunity Part III: Birth, placenta, breastmilk with Hilary Butler |
1yjdpqQ4tgs |
004 |
Infant Immunity Part IV: Infant vaccination with Dr Suzanne Humphries |
005 |
Infant Immunity with Dr Suzanne Humphries and Hilary Butler. Introduction: The case of Luke |
Lb4co1kNVKU |
006 |
Dr. Suzanne Humphries - Neonatal Immunity: The First Three Years Pt 1 |
wL8srdLw4c0 |
007 |
Dr. Suzanne Humphries - Neonatal Immunity: The First Three Years Pt 2 |
KDN6-iqdNEY |
008 |
Dr. Suzanne Humphries - Neonatal Immunity: The First Three Years Pt 3 |
L6U4-Crkz14 |
009 |
Dr. Suzanne Humphries - Neonatal Immunity: The First Three Years Pt 4 |
qi2evKqdewI |
010 |
Dr. Suzanne Humphries - Neonatal Immunity: The First Three Years Pt 5 |
_caO1ztfgEU |
011 |
Dr. Suzanne Humphries - Neonatal Immunity: The First Three Years Pt 6 |
BDfpCrsf8uY |
012 |
Vaccines gave my son autism |
CMaP0mF8Tx0 |
013 |
I now realize the danger of vaccinations |
gE3392z_Uks |
014 |
Vaccines cause ADHD, allergies and anxiety |
8vkD5xzUyUs |
015 |
Truth Vs Lies About Flu Vaccines *Updated* |
RkP9d8P-On0 |
016 |
Trojan Horses and Clusterbombs: Dr Suzanne Humphries on aluminum in Finland. |
PWP6e2CYPo8 |
017 |
BREAKING: Jaw Dropping Real Doctor Exposes Vaccinations Must See!!! |
Ej8Pmg8c7PU |
018 |
Flu Vaccine |
RFrvqInWWHc |
019 |
No Vaccines Necessary, That's The Truth |
ZQxwalPNxyU |
020 |
Why Vaccines Aren't Safe For Your Children |
wjZeqv_hqkE |
021 |
Mary Tocco on Vaccines |
OjGYgvnbJbM |
022 |
Exposing the Truth about Vaccines |
zncuOv9VBxw |
023 |
Vaccine Ignorance |
S8ixbGlHTTI |
024 |
You'll Be Shocked at What the Flu Shot is Really Doing to You! |
jt9rdznYsLI |
025 |
JB Handley 6/16/16 #VaxXed #Oregon Q&A in Seattle |
M3aA0kvOR2Q |
026 |
Vaxxed Panel - Hooker, Wakefield, Bigtree, Tommey, Moody, Ross |
fXUhT_zAzcU |
027 |
Immune System Psychosis! --HighWire Episode 11 |
448DKHpbvMU | Het YouTube-account dat aan deze video is gekoppeld, is verwijderd. |
028 |
How to Work With the Immune System |
rkumoDg8Zr8 |
029 |
Vaccines gave my son autism |
BaSaIa6i-Zs |
030 |
Triplets making room for autism #vaxxed #DidYouKnow #praybig |
R0Wa-jyyyEE |
031 |
Dr Suzanne Humphries discusses smallpox from 1797-2005 |
5oot0HUqMcs |
032 |
Why now? #vaxxed #DidYouKnow #praybig |
rJpD6mqwsj0 |
033 |
Hepatitis A #DidYouKnow #praybig |
YE_CiH2W86g |
034 |
xh5DG9SHO10 | Het YouTube-account dat aan deze video is gekoppeld, is verwijderd. |
035 |
MMR During Pregnancy |
RVIAr_3V8Ic |
036 |
Dr Humphries on WLBT and Fox 40 interview Mississippi 2017 |
-cpKdF7OgTg |
037 |
Erin, Sue and Dr. Suzanne Humphries |
-3sIf3PRH18 |
038 |
You Have an Obligation to Your Children to Research It |
Ziin3GZqWYM |
039 |
What I Know Now |
s5J8MTglVEk |
040 |
Vaccine Re-education — Part 1 |
QhNTV4ekYVc |
041 |
Vaccine Re-education — Part 2 |
5e6Ah6WgoVk |
042 |
VaxXed Stories: Ava In Iowa |
unO46tkHOAI |
043 |
Taboo topic of Recovery-- HighWire Episode 12 |
aOPbrxdB77I | Het YouTube-account dat aan deze video is gekoppeld, is verwijderd. |
044 |
I'm Done. |
C_B8UEp-CtM |
045 |
VaxXed Stories: Ethan in Texas |
8O4KaiImmHM |
046 |
Vaccine court 2018 |
xdg5JO5OgWs |
047 |
Ex-Merck rep Brandy Vaughan exposes the dark side of pHARMa -- WAVE 2016 |
ZDUlfptPMjg |
048 |
Dr Judy Mikovits and Dustin Nemos. The War on Real Medicine And Doctors |
049 |
These kids don't ever need to go to Doctors! |
AsJxKKtm0XA |
050 |
Ex pharma exec gives explosive speech on vaccines before CDC advisory committee |
gOR2tNV8qMA |
051 |
Flu Shot Ingredients List |
nLtBgH4UOno |
052 |
Is fever going to fry the child's brain? Should you lower the temperature? |
iEH8s5y_8RY |
053 |
8 children- unvaccinated and healthy |
EZzUwC-tVqY |
054 |
Wireless Warfare Exposed - Declassified Military Doc Proves Smart Phones Are Killing Mankind |
WLDdS4_Qneg | Het YouTube-account dat aan deze video is gekoppeld, is verwijderd. |
055 |
Is the FLU SHOT a SCAM??? |
X8Y7kMJxOM4 |
056 |
ILNZZTg9EZY | Het YouTube-account dat aan deze video is gekoppeld, is verwijderd. |
057 |
Dr Judy Mikovits ",We Are Carrying Potentially Deadly Retroviruses We Acquired Through Vaccination!", |
DeYGmWQyOK4 | Deze video is gesensureerd door YouTube. |
058 |
What Causes ",Lazy Eye",? |
hB445_qJpAI |
059 |
OwlF99lktoI | Het YouTube-account dat aan deze video is gekoppeld, is verwijderd. |
060 |
Flu Shot Warning! Watch This Before Getting One! |
PI1JP0CyxLg |
061 |
She Did the Vaccine Research-You Won't Believe What She Found! |
EjzHisZj6PU |
062 |
Warning! Vaccines Do Not Provide Immunity |
ajFwjlysY0M |
063 |
This Explanation of the Mercury/Autism Connection Will Blow You Away! |
064 |
This Will Make You Think Twice About Getting That Vaccine! |
SvGL3oPdkrA |
065 |
Are Vaccines to Blame for Autism Rates? This May Change Your Mind! |
Xs2Ulya8rBo |
066 |
'The Vaccine Program Is So Corrupt', - Find Out Why! |
VHws84bh24c |
067 |
Do You Really Know What's In Your Vaccine? You Might Not Want to Watch! |
LLUQqpoT3pI |
068 |
Revealed: Your Health Can't Come From a Vaccine! |
w3_F92LAyDw |
069 |
The Government is Doing WHAT to Get You to Get a Flu Shot? |
guXo318OW4A |
070 |
You'll Be Glad You Watched This Before Vaccinating Your Child! |
Z11BoRjjnEE |
071 |
Flu Shot Scam? Studies Show THIS is Just as Effective! |
072 |
This Controversial Vaccine Could Make Your Child Sick... or Worse! |
h3cgfspbuiY |
073 |
You Won't Believe What Kills 16,000 Babies Every Year-And it',s Preventable! |
fQC9FfFcnCw |
074 |
Vaccines: Medicine or Attempted Murder? |
chVMPePZkwU |
075 |
We Don't Understand The Possible Effect of Vaccines |
fZrhadvqgmg |
076 |
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny - The Flu Shot: Hype or Health? |
SYl-YZIqjck |
077 |
You Need to Watch This Before Getting Your Baby Vaccinated! |
3dmVlMC1phs |
078 |
Dr. Suzanne Humphries - are vaccines safe ? |
BpC0Tbb3diI |
079 |
The Brilliance of Dr. Suzanne Humphries on The Dangers of Vaccines |
McfXd_Xuojs |
080 |
Suzanne Humphries on Vaccines |
efto1LpWkKw |
081 |
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny - Why You Should Say NO to Vaccines - Hour 1 |
TzzMHfjMpgk | Het YouTube-account dat aan deze video is gekoppeld, is verwijderd. |
082 |
How To Say No To Vaccinations and Smart Meters |
083 |
Falsified Data and Autism |
4bEhNyZtQZQ |
084 |
The Irrefutable Argument Against Vaccine Safety - with Author Del Bigtree |
085 |
Gardasil Victim Speaks Out After 2 Years |
086 |
tSvPws-8exQ | Het YouTube-account dat aan deze video is gekoppeld, is verwijderd. |
087 |
Full Measure The Vaccination Debate |
HZV5C-rfBbg |
088 |
Controversy Over Vaccine Research |
yTh97pANTxc |
089 |
8OkZhR7AVWg | Het YouTube-account dat aan deze video is gekoppeld, is verwijderd. |
090 |
Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Lawrence Palevsky |
Yh4bGWvFcsE |
091 |
Dr. Lawrence Palevsky discusses ingredients of vaccines. What do vaccinations contain? |
atPYt4xes80 |
092 |
Dr. Larry Palevsky, MD, Pediatrician speaks the Truth About Vaccines for children |
qTm-r-V6u5U |
093 |
Are Vaccines Damaging Our Children’s Brains? | Dr. Larry Palevsky at '17 The Truth About Cancer LIVE |
mVMpsIh-f_o |
094 |
",Vaccines: NO INFECTION Protection to OTHERS!", - Dr Larry Palevsky 1 |
tArORNq08a4 |
095 |
AV8 - Dr Graham Downing : The 'Bill Gates', Agenda |
q9aGdFRzsDc |
096 |
Surgeon with Vaccine Injured Son |
097 |
Debunking Measles Mania with Dr. Bob Sears |
gnpT7lJlVxY | Het YouTube-account dat aan deze video is gekoppeld, is verwijderd. |
098 |
Johnny Negrete in Oakland CA |
-KQAVMVimi8 |
099 |
VaxXed Stories: Natalie Winecoup and Sister in Knoxville, TN |
fB4k5iz0iWY |
100 |
My mother was never the same after vaccinations |
9NWs9lgVdrI |
101 |
I was a scientist and will now never vaccinate my children |
Pf37G3mry6M |