Nr |
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Title |
Video_ID |
Status |
Remark |
01 |
How to Destroy the Climate Change Hoax |
bpxAIYrtGLw |
02 |
Sacked for speaking out about Climate Change - Professor Peter Ridd |
M7j75L38PlI |
03 |
Peter Ridd's Fight for Freedom of Speech on Climate Change |
QbKa015q4cI |
04 |
HOW DARE YOU: 10 reasons not to believe climate change criers | Liz Wheeler LIVE at the Reagan Ranch |
i-qBOyrD0-0 |
05 |
Green Tyranny: Exposing the Totalitarian Roots of the Climate Industrial Complex |
Ud14oTQpbAE |
06 |
Solar Variability and Climate - Joanna D. Haigh |
_1MPQYN6fnQ |
07 |
Climategate Rebunked - Marc Morano on The Corbett Report |
a82G96xvtpI |
08 |
Boeren, vissers en mkb gaan een lijst met eisen opstellen aan de corporate Nederland! |
ffh4Qr7Z_a4 |
09 |
Koert van Rijn ziet opmerkelijke gelijkenis tussen klimaatleugens en coronaleugens |
nfQ3d5tJ7Oo |